Question 1: How would you debug a inbound web service which is not returning data for correct record id?
Answer: First thing to check would be to log SQL which service is executing. This will explain what filters are applied by the web service. And why records are not being returned.
Issue could also be due to limited access provided to integration user executing the web service. Checking responsibilities and position of the integration user can also help in understanding the visibility issue.
Showing posts with label Siebel EAI Interview Questions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Siebel EAI Interview Questions. Show all posts
April 16, 2020
June 03, 2016
Siebel Integration Interview Questions - JMS Transport
This article only covers Siebel integration interview questions related to EAI JMS Transport , see Siebel EAI Interview Questions for other Integration interview questions.
However on other side web services doesn't have retry mechanism in architecture. In case of heavy load or server unavailability message can be lost if source system can't resend it. Benefit of using web services is that they are faster to develop, setup and maintain.
Topics also have queue like store and forward mechanism but with the difference that they do not delete XML messages immediately after it has been read, the same message can be read by another consumer (application). Thus well suited for 1 to many integration scenario.
- Setup of JVM (Java) subsystem
This tells where is Java files and server details of JMS server.
- Setup of JMS subsystem
This contains queue or topic information
- Setup of receiver component
This component pulls XML messages from JMS server mentioned in JVM sub system from queue mentioned in JMS subsystem.
It looks something like this:
Second type of logs are Java logs which generated by Java virtual machine installed on Siebel server , they can get turned on by setting VMOptions in Java subsystem.
See more Siebel EAI Interview Question
Question 1: When should JMS be used over web services in Siebel integration requirement?
Answer: JMS queues are based on store and forward guaranteed delivery mechanism. That means source system sends the message to middleware which holds the message in queue until Siebel server reads it thus message is never lost.However on other side web services doesn't have retry mechanism in architecture. In case of heavy load or server unavailability message can be lost if source system can't resend it. Benefit of using web services is that they are faster to develop, setup and maintain.
Question 2: How does JMS integration works in Siebel?
Answer : Siebel has JMS receiver server component which can pull XML messages from JMS queue for data transfer. For JMS components to get messages from JMS server Siebel needs to have JAVA installed on Siebel server.Question 3 : What is the difference between queue and a topic of JMS?
Answer: Queue is is implementation of first in first out data structure, and can be used only between one source and one consumer. Once XML message is consumed by consumer it is deleted from the queue.Topics also have queue like store and forward mechanism but with the difference that they do not delete XML messages immediately after it has been read, the same message can be read by another consumer (application). Thus well suited for 1 to many integration scenario.
Questions 4 : What steps are involved in JMS component setup in Siebel?
Answer: Siebel JMS setup involves minimum three items :- Setup of JVM (Java) subsystem
This tells where is Java files and server details of JMS server.
- Setup of JMS subsystem
This contains queue or topic information
- Setup of receiver component
This component pulls XML messages from JMS server mentioned in JVM sub system from queue mentioned in JMS subsystem.
Question 5: What is file? What it is necessary?
Answer: Java subsystem required for JMS integration required JMS server location information such IP address and port. This information is kept in file in Siebel filesystem.It looks something like this:
Questions 6: what kind of logging is available for JMS transport?
Answer: EAI JMS Transport provides two logging methods, first one is the traditional Siebel logs which can be turned on by increasing log level of receiver component.Second type of logs are Java logs which generated by Java virtual machine installed on Siebel server , they can get turned on by setting VMOptions in Java subsystem.
See more Siebel EAI Interview Question
June 01, 2016
Siebel EAI Interview questions - Web services
View latest 2020 Interview questions here:
Siebel REST API Interview Questions
Siebel EAI Interview Questions - JMS Transport
Question 1: What is the difference between outbound and inbound web services?
Answer: Inbound web services are hosted/served by Siebel and is invoked by external application to send data or to query data from Siebel.![]() |
Siebel Inbound Web Service |
Outbound web services are web services which are hosted by external applications like SAP or Middle-ware and is invoked by Siebel workflows/business services to send or query data from external system.
![]() |
Siebel Outbound Webservice |
Question 2: What is WSDL?
Answer: WSDL stands for Web Service Definition Language. It's a standard for describing web service end point, it contains information about what all methods external system can call and what are input and output arguments for the service.For Inbound web services Siebel dev team needs to provide WSDL, which is created from Adminstration Integration> Inbound Webservices view.
For outbound web-services external system like a billing system provides WSDL which is imported into Siebel.
![]() |
Generate WSDL in Siebel |
Question 3 : How WSDL is imported into Siebel?
Answer : Siebel inputs WSDL in two steps. Firstly WSDL is imported into Siebel tools which creates proxy business service and IOs for arguments.![]() |
WSDL Import in Siebel Tools |
Second step involves creating web service end point in Administration integration> outbound web service which is done by imported by xml generated in first step.
Question 4 : What is filter business service in Siebel?
Answer: Filter business service is a custom business service which can be configured to be invoked at web service invocation just before or after actual workflow call. This service is used to handle custom soap headers of web service .Question 5: What is SOAP Message? Which version of SOAP is supported by Siebel ?
Answer : SOAP Stands for Simple Object Access Protocol it is a XML format which exchanged by web services, SOAP 1.1 is supported by Siebel.Question 6: When would you recommend using web services over queue based integration?
Answer: Web services should be used when business process can not wait for response from external system. For example : Order can not proceed without checking the inventory and user cannot wait before submitting order.Question 7: What is the difference between EAI HTTP Transport and web services?
Answer : Web services is a HTTP based standard which uses WSDL to describe structure of input and output arguments and methods which can be invoked on server.HTTP Transport can also be use to transfer data in and out if Siebel server however there is no description of input and output data structure and types.
Question 8: Can workflow be published as inbound web services?
Answer: Yes workflow and business service both can be published as web service in Siebel.Question 9: What is proxy business service in Siebel? and How does proxy BS works internally in Siebel?
Answer : Proxy business services are business services in Siebel which are created for each WSDL import in Siebel tools. Proxy business service converts in the input arguments into SOAP message and invokes HTTP transport to send data to external system.December 04, 2013
Siebel EAI Interview Questions
Question: How to generate XML in Siebel?
Answer: Use EAI Siebel Adapter Business Service Query method and then EAI XML Converter Service Method HierToDoc to generate XML Doc.Question What is the difference between External & Internal Integration Object?
Answer: Internal Integration Object refers to Siebel Business Object for querying and saving data.External Integration Object refers to XML schema, one can not use query or insert operation on external integration object.
To create external integration object, either XSD or DTD document is required.
Question: How to change the XML tag in an Siebel Message?
Answer : Find the Integration object from the xml and then go to the desired integration component and update the XML Tag of desired integration component field.Question: How to change the source field of XML tag in Siebel XML?
Answer : Find the Integration Component Field and update the External Field name to the new field name.Question: What is the significance of Name of Integration Component Field?
Answer: Name of Integration Component Field is used to create the Siebel Message property set, It is essential to know the ICF name if script is used to get value from XML.Question: What is the use of XML Container Element?
Answer: XML container element if specified on IC then Siebel adapter will always create an XML tag before the start of child IC records, and it will always be present in XML even if no records are returned by query method.Question: What is XSD? How to create XSD in Siebel?
Answer: XSD is an XML Schema Definition document. It is a type of XML document which defines the structure of an XML document. It contains the structure of the XML and the data type and length of XML.Siebel tools can generated by Generate XML Schema wizard by clicking Generate Schema Button.
Question: What DTD? How to generate DTD of an Siebel Integration Object?
Answer: DTD is Document Type Definition, it is another form of document which describes the structure and data types of an XML document. It can also be generated through Generate Schema Button on the Siebel Integration Object.Question: What is a WSDL?
Answer: WSDL stands for Web Services Descriptive Language. It is an XML file which describes everything about a web server.
Typically it contains:
- Web service end point (URL)
- Methods web service Support
- Input and output arguments.
WSDL is technology/platform independent syntax thus it is widely accepted way of describing web services definition.
First, WSDL is imported into Siebel Tools using WSDL Import Wizard. It creates Integration objects and proxy business service from WSDL definition, and generates XML for run time data creation.
Secondly, XML generated is then imported in to web client. Process is outlined in bookshelf here.
See more EAI Siebel Adapter Interview Questions.
See more Siebel Workflow Interview Questions.
Question: How to import WSDL in Siebel?
Answer: Importing WSDL in Siebel is two step process.First, WSDL is imported into Siebel Tools using WSDL Import Wizard. It creates Integration objects and proxy business service from WSDL definition, and generates XML for run time data creation.
Secondly, XML generated is then imported in to web client. Process is outlined in bookshelf here.
Question: How to convert incoming Data to uppercase before importing in Siebel?
Answer: Siebel does not support changing the case of through EAI, however it is possible to call a custom business service through data maps which can convert the case.InvokeServiceMethod ("CustomDataMapper", "UpperCase", "InputStr='"+[Integration Field Name]+"'", "OutputStr")
See more EAI Siebel Adapter Interview Questions.
See more Siebel Workflow Interview Questions.
November 14, 2013
Siebel EAI Interview Questions - EAI Siebel Adapter
Question: Explain the methods of EAI Siebel Adapter
Answer: EAI Siebel Adapter is pre-build business service which interacts with Siebel Object manager to perform CRUD operations on Siebel Database. Following methods are available on the service:
- Query method is used to query data from Siebel, output of this method is Integration Object instance.
- Query can be executed using :
- Row id of the primary BusComp
- Search spec consisting of parent and child buscomp fields.
- Integration object instance - which is also known as Query By Example
- Only required input argument of this method is Output Integration Object Name which is the name of integration object which is queried by the service.
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