I am not the author of these functions, It is just collection of useful functions that I have implemented in few projects. Please feel free to share your coding tricks for date variables in comments below.
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Date Functions in Siebel eScript |
How to add days to a date?
function AddToDate(sourceDate, nDays, nHours, nMinutes, nSeconds, nsign)
// sourceDate : Date object
// nDays, nHours , nMinutes , nSeconds : Integer numbers
// nsign : Can have two values : 1 or 1
// 1 indicates to ADD to the sourceDate
// 1 indicates to SUBTRACT from the sourceDate
// Returns : A date object, after adding/subtracting
// ndays,hNours,nMinutes
// and nseconds to the sourceDate.
var retDate = sourceDate;
return (retDate);
How to find difference of days between two dates?
function DiffDays(date1, date2)
{// date1 : Date object
// date2 : Date object
// Returns : Number of days between date1 and date2
return ((date2.getTime() - date1.getTime())/(1000*60*60*24));
How to convert date object to String?
function DateToString(dDate)
// dDate : Date object
// Returns : A string with the format "mm/dd/yyyy" or "mm/dd/yyyy
var sMonth = ToString(dDate.getMonth() + 1);
if (sMonth.length == 1) {sMonth = "0" + sMonth;}
var sDay = ToString(dDate.getDate());
if (sDay.length == 1) {sDay = "0" + sDay;}
var sHours = ToString(dDate.getHours());
if (sHours.length == 1) {sHours = "0" + sHours;}
var sMinutes = ToString(dDate.getMinutes());
if (sMinutes.length == 1) {sMinutes = "0" + sMinutes;}
var sSeconds = ToString(dDate.getSeconds());
if (sSeconds.length == 1) {sSeconds = "0" + sSeconds;}
if (sHours == "00" && sMinutes == "00" && sSeconds == "00")
return (sMonth +"/"+ sDay +"/" + dDate.getFullYear())
return (sMonth +"/"+ sDay +"/" + dDate.getFullYear() +"
How to convert String to Date Object?
function StringToDate(sDate)
// sDate : A string with the format "mm/dd/yyyy" or "mm/dd/yyyy
// Returns : a Date object
var ArDateTime = sDate.split (" ");
var ArDate = ArDateTime[0];
var splitDate = ArDate.split ("/");
var nDay = ToNumber(splitDate[1]);
ar nMonth = ToNumber(splitDate[0]);
var nYear = ToNumber(splitDate[2]);
if (ArDateTime.length == 1)
return (new Date(nYear, nMonth1 , nDay))
{ var ArTime = ArDateTime[1];
var splitTime = ArTime.split(":");
if (splitTime[0]=="00" && splitTime[1]=="00" && splitTime[2]=="00"
return (new Date(nYear, nMonth1 , nDay))
var nHours = ToNumber(splitTime[0]);
var nMinutes = ToNumber(splitTime[1]);
var nSeconds = ToNumber(splitTime[2]);
return (new Date(nYear,nMonth1,nDay, nHours, nMinutes,
How to find records created in past 5 days?
var dToday = new Date();var FiveDaysAgo = AddToDate(today,5,0,0,0,1);var bo = TheApplication().GetBusObject("Service Request");var bc = bo.GetBusComp("Service Request");bc.ActivateField("Description");bc.ClearToQuery();bc.SetViewMode(AllView);bc.SetSearchSpec ("Created", ">= " + "'" + DateToString(FiveDaysAgo)+ "'");bc.ExecuteQuery();TheApplication().RaiseErrorText(bc.CountRecords());
How to compare two dates?
function CompareDates(dte_from,dte_to)
/* Function to compare two dates.. will return 1 if dte_from is greater than dte_to else will return 0 */
var myM = ToInteger(dte_from.getMonth()+1);
var myD = ToInteger(dte_from.getDate());
var myY = ToInteger(dte_from.getFullYear());
var toM = ToInteger(dte_to.getMonth()+1);
var toD = ToInteger(dte_to.getDate());
var toY = ToInteger(dte_to.getFullYear());
if ((myY < toY)||((myY==toY)&&(myM < toM))||((myY==toY)&&(myM==toM)&&(myD < = toD)))
How to find if date is a future date?
function IsFutureDate(mydate)
* Function to check if a date is greater than today
* Returns 0 if Current Date is larger
* 1 if Passed Variable is larger
var istoday = new Date();
var myM = ToInteger(mydate.getMonth()+1);
var myD = ToInteger(mydate.getDate());
var myY = ToInteger(mydate.getFullYear());
var toM = ToInteger(istoday.getMonth()+1);
var toD = ToInteger(istoday.getDate());
var toY = ToInteger(istoday.getFullYear());
if ((myY < toY)||((myY==toY)&&(myM < toM))||((myY==toY)&&(myM==toM)&&(myD < = toD)))
** Code is provided for conceptual purpose only, please test the code explained throughly before implementing in production environment.
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